When buying new animals, the owners have an opportunity to reflect in details the origin/pedigree of the newly acquired livestock to the third ancestor or higher line. The identification numbers of parents and grandparents as well as other important information accompanying the acquisition is reflected and monitored. In addition to the “Base module” in which you choose the parents (only from your farm), in “Pedigree” you can enter ear tag and selection number for parents and grandparents no matter from which farm are they. Respectively the newborn automatically inherit their parents’pedigree.

Detailed coverage of the origin of the animals under selective control allows farmers to monitor the purity of the breeds. Proper monitoring of the origin and genealogy of newly acquired animals also affects their subsequent mating.

Ferma WEB “Pedigree” facilitates and supports the process of reproduction of the herd. It selects and summarized the information required for farmers whose herds are under selection control. Once entered and filled in periodically, the origin data of each animal under selection control minimizes the possibilities of making mistakes. It is essential when monitoring the origin and genealogy of your animals, as well as for when it comes to applying for administrative services.
