With this package, you can track and record the routine processes in your farm. This is a complete solution, which covers the daily work with animals and allows its easier management. With “Ferma WEB – Herd Management” the most important data for your animals is in one place. You can create a PERSONAL CARD of each animal; track the REPRODUCTIVE activities, performed with it; view in chronological order the PEDIGREE of your own and purchased livestock. The system provides you an opportunity to enter information about accomplished INVENTORY and WEIGHING manually or with the help of connected hardware devices – RFID ear tags readers and electronic scales. With this product, you can monitor periodically your animals’ condition. You are also able to track regularity and correctness of the FEEDING, to create an electronic VETERINARY CARD for the planned and performed treatments and used medications. Except data about the animals, you can also enter information about your produce – for example, about the MILKING – description of milk quantity, milk bath/tank, person in charge for the accomplished milking. |
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“Ferma WEB – Finances and Cost-price” is a product, developed to cover every aspect of managing a livestock farm. It helps you to track and control the complete activity related to livestock breeding. You have an opportunity to create PERSONAL CARD of each animal, to track its’ LIFE CYCLE, as well as its’ PEDIGREE. You no longer need to memorize the REPRODUCTION activities, performed with your livestock, the system does that for you! You can monitor animals’ health condition by entering data in an electronic VETERINARY CARD and creating recipes and menus for FEEDING of the animals. The program stores data about farm routine activities, such as INVENTORY of the herds, WEIGHING, MILKING. With “Ferma WEB – Finances and Cost-price”, you cannot only save information about every accomplished operation, but you also have an option for CALENDAR PLANNING of the forthcoming ones. You have full control – you create a plan/list (manually or automatically) and your staff only record the performed manipulation. The system allows easily managing of the expenses in your farm by creating COST CENTRES for automatic calculation of the direct cost price, the incomes from the produce and many more. With the help of the information from WAREHOUSE MATERIALS, you can trouble-free track the available materials, produce, fodder and other raw materials as well as the profitability of the animals – by groups or individually.

With FermaWEB you can:
- Creating an Individual/Personal card of each animal in your farm / newborn or purchased/- gender, breed, ear tag, selection number, etc.
- Report every birth at the farm-parents and details about the newborn.
- Keep track of each animal life cycle-growth phases, physical condition, group/ herd, location, etc.
- Report and track production; Milk and meat cost and price.
- Detailed coverage of the origin of the animals under selective control up to the 3d line/pedigree/ and more
- Automatically and periodically “counting” of the herds.
- Weigh of the animals -periodical monitoring and control of animals’ weight.
- Report the animals feeding by groups/ herds. The program enables you to fill rations/ menus in advance, following the appropriate recipes / with quantities and unit price/.
- Track and reflect data from everyday recurring activities such as animal dairy. You are able to make detailed description of quantity, milk bath/ tank, person in charge, etc. So the program generates reports about extracted animals’ milk.
- Different types of reports or documents for all of the carried out activities are generated automatically /possibly with prices and quantities/. Every Package of FermaWEB enables the export in Excel.
With the RD portal you can sell or buy animals, animals' production and donor material.

The RFID Handheld Reader is a brand new technological solution for livestock owners to read FDX ear tags. The use of a reader prevents errors in transcription and data transmission. It can work separately from the data processing device, and unlike the other readers, the data is transmitted / verified directly / online.
The online RFID reader facilitates the import of the information, the inventory process and the daily activities with the program. The data is transmitted online via Bluetooth to a mobile phone, tablet or computer and checked for correctness.
With this package you can:
- Automatic and periodic "counting" of the herds
very easy by the functionality of the reader.
- Weigh the animals and automatically transfer the data with the functionality of the reader. You have the opportunity to regularly monitor and control the weight of the animals.